

Conflict Mitigation

The Conflict Mitigation Program aims to eliminate the hunting of Andean cats. To do this, we implement strategies to reduce conflict between herders and native carnivores. Most of these conflicts originate from culpeo foxes and pumas preying on cattle, which generate retaliatory hunting when herders hunt all species of carnivores, including the Andean cat. We are working with local herders to develop conflict mitigation strategies that protect their livestock without harming native wildlife

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The CATcrafts Program aims to preserve the habitat of the Andean cat through the development of sustainable economic alternatives for the local communities. We work together with women artisans to identify traditional techniques and raw materials that are revalued and put into perspective for global trade. The women artisans are trained in different techniques, including the elaboration of products of standardized quality and the identification of sale channels through fair trade

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Education Program

The Education Program is an innovative strategy to increase the knowledge and raise awareness about the relevance of the Andean cat and its environment, valuing natural resources and their relationship with communities. The material and activities are adaptable to different audiences, from elementary school students to technical staff from governmental agencies

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In the field 24/7

This program has two focuses: camera trapping and the collection of material for genetic analysis. Our aim is to fill information gaps in the global distribution map of the Andean cat, and to evaluate the potential impact of diseases and parasites transmitted by domestic animals on Andean cat populations. Camera trapping is a powerful, non-invasive tool for recording behavior and vital information about elusive species such as the Andean cat, and it also provides material to raise awareness of the threats that affect them

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Pawsitive actions

Pawsitive Actions aims to increase responsible ownership of domestic dogs and cats to reduce their impacts on wildlife and human health. Direct impacts include attacks on domestic and wild animals, including Andean cats. Domestic dog attacks, in particular, have led to several deaths of andean cats in the wild

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