4 countries bound together
for an endangered species
Technical capacity
We protect
the Andean cat and its landscape
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Your help can save a species


We study the population genetics of the Andean cat to unravel the mysteries of its global distribution.

Capacity Building and Education

We exchange and provide information about the Andean cat with local people to learn about their perception and beliefs about the species.


Through multinational projects we promote cross-border cooperation in areas with similar threats and concerns.


Publications and documents
Find an extensive list of reports, scientific articles and manuals on the Andean cat and its habitat. Most can be downloaded directly. If not, contact us. We hope you find them useful!

Teaching Materials

Play and learn

Find educational materials to learn more about the Andean cat and the environment where it lives in. You can access story books, games, videos and more. Explore and have fun!

The Species and its Habitat

The Andean cat is one of the most threatened wildcats in the world. Its unique adaptations to the arid landscape transform the species in a perfect ambassador for biodiversity conservation of earth´s last wild places: the high Andes and northern Patagonia.

The Sacred Cat of the Andes

The Andean cat is considered by native cultures as a protective spirit of the mountains. The close relationships with local communities is expressed by the existence of numerous petroglyphs in various parts of its distribution.

Distribution Map

The distribution of the Andean cat spans over four countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru. The Andean cat inhabits arid and cold environments of the high Andes, Puna, and southern Andean steppe.

Camera Trap


Km² of territory
Adult Cats
Team Members
25 Years
of Work

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